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01/02/2011 | How to Get Along Without Compromising Your Convictions | Romans 14:1-12
01/09/2011 | Putting Others First | Romans 14:13-15:2
01/16/2011 | The Great Reception | Romans 15:1-13
01/23/2011 | Mission and Purpose | Romans 15:15-33
01/30/2011 | Some Traits of a Gospel Ministry | Romans 15:23-33
02/06/2011 | Greetings, Warnings and Blessings | Romans 16:1-7, 17-20, 25-27
02/13/2011 | Our Stillness in God’s Songs | Psalm 1
02/20/2011 | Our Gratitude for God’s Songs | Psalm 103:6-22
02/27/2011 | Confession: Brokenness and Grace in God’s Songs | Psalm 32:1-7, 51:1-17
03/06/2011 | Our Laments in God’s Songs | Psalm 13
03/13/2011 | Praising God the Creator | Psalm 8
03/27/2011 | Regaining Perspective in God’s Songs | Psalm 73
,04/17/2011 | Wounded, Healed | Psalm 69
05/01/2011 | A Vision for the Church | Acts 1:1-8; 2:42-47
05/08/2011 | A Home that Lasts | Psalm 127
05/15/2011 | Fears and Tears in the Psalms | Psalm 27
05/22/2011 | Sweeter Than Honey: God’s Perfect Word | Psalm 19:7-14
05/29/2011 | The Lord Reigns | Psalm 27
06/05/2011 | The Trials of Life | James 1:1-12
06/12/2011 | Endurance | James 1:12-18
06/19/2011 | Hearing to Obey | James 1:19-25
06/26/2011 | The Tests of True Religion | James 1:26-2:7
07/10/2011 | All or Nothing | James 2:8-13
07/31/2011 | True Faith Truly Works | James 2:14-19
08/07/2011 | Justified by a Faith that Works | James 2:20-26
08/14/2011 | Who Can Tame the Tongue? | James 3:1-12
08/21/2011 | Godly Wisdom | James 3:13-18
08/28/2011 | War and Peace and the Gospel According to James | James 4:1-6
09/04/2011 | Grace for the Humble | James 4:5-10
09/11/2011 | Called to Work | 1 Corinthians 7:10-17, 20-24
09/25/2011 | Signs of Humble Wisdom | James 4:11-17
10/02/2011 | Oppression, Judgment and Patience | James 5:1-9
10/09/2011 | Patience and Perseverance | James 5:7-11
10/16/2011 | Healing | James 5:13-20
10/23/2011 | Wisdom | Proverbs 8
10/30/2011 | Finding the Right Path | Proverbs 3:1-8
11/06/2011 | Gaining Wealth, Giving Wealth | Proverbs 10
11/13/2011 | Work and Wealth | Proverbs
11/20/2011 | Deep Friendship | Proverbs
12/04/2011 | Love and Marriage | Proverbs 5
12/11/2011 | God With Us | Isaiah 7:10-17, Matthew 1:18-23
12/18/2011 | Longing for the Day of Peace | Isaiah 11:1-9
12/25/2011 | Jesus Came to Seek the Lost | 1 Timothy 1:15, Luke 19:10