Click on the play button on the media player to hear the sermon.
Hover over the scripture reference to view the passage.

01/11/2004  |  Choosing a Way of Life  |  Matthew 7:13-20

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01/18/2004  |  The Pounding Surf and the Neon Boardwalk  |  Matthew 7:13-27

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01/25/2004  |  Nice Story, But Is It True?  |  Matthew 8:1-4

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02/08/2004  |  Nice Story, But Is It True?  |   Matthew 8:5-13

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02/15/2004  |  Healing for the Nations  |  Matthew 8:5-13

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02/22/04  |  The Call to Discipleship  |  Matthew 8:14-22

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02/29/2004  |  To Calm the Storm  |  Matthew 8:23-37

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03/07/2004  |  Jesus’ Power Over Evil  |  Matthew 8:28-34

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04/11/2004  |  From Doubt to Faith  |  John 20:24-31

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04/18/2004  |  Seeing With the Eye; Seeing With the Heart  |  Matthew 9:27-36

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04/25/2004  |  Restoration and Rededication  |  John 18:15-17, 21:15-17

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05/02/2004  |  The Mission  |  Matthew 9:36-10:10

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05/09/2004  |  Conditions of Discipleship  |  Matthew 10:11-23

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05/16/2004 |  No Fear  |  Matthew 10:24-33

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05/23/2004  |  A Cause Supreme  |  Matthew 10:34-42

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05/30/2004  |  Doubt  |  Matthew 11:1-19

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06/20/2004  |  Hard to Please  |  Matthew 11:11-24

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06/27/2004  |  Rest for the Weary  |  Matthew 11:25-30

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07/04/2004  |  A Tale of Two Failures  |  1 Samuel 27-29

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07/11/2004  |  Strength from the Lord  |  1 Samuel 30:1-4, 6-15

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07/18/2004  |  How the Mighty Have Fallen  |  1 Samuel 31, 2:Samuel:1

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08/01/2004  |  A Leader for God’s People  | 2 Samuel 2:3

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08/08/2004  |  Knowing Where We Stand  |  2 Samuel 5

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08/15/2004  |  Worship  |  2 Samuel 6:1-15

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08/22/2004  |  I Will Make Your Name Great  |  2 Samuel 7:1-16

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08/29/2004  |  Kindness and Faithfulness  |  2 Samuel 8-10

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09/05/2004  |  The Grandeur and Misery of Work  |  Genesis/Colossians

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09/12/2004  |  The Church  |  Matthew 16:13-20

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09/19/2004  |  Food, Fasts and Feasts  |  Matthew 6:16-18

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09/26/2004  |  Rest and Sleep  |  Matthew 12:1-13

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10/03/2004  |  Life  |  Luke 10:25-37

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10/17/2004  |  The Tongue: Small But Mighty  |  Matthew 12:33-37

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10/24/2004  |  Wealth and Stewardship  |  Luke 12:13-21

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10/31/2004  |  The Duties of a Citizen  |  Matthew 22:19-21

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11/07/2004  |  Death: The Final Journey  |  Matthew 14:1-12

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11/14/2004  |  Marriage: One Body, One Soul, One Spirit  |  Matthew 19:1-12

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11/21/2004  |  Relationships: Broken and Restored  |  Matthew 19:3-11

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11/28/2004  |  Incarnation and Reconciliation  |  Matthew 18:15-20

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12/05/2004  |  This Is My Father’s World  |  Hebrews 2:9-18

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12/12/2004  |  All Eyes on Jesus  |  Hebrews 1:1-3, 4-8, 2:1

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12/19/2004  |  Why God Became Man  |  Luke 2:25-35

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