Click on the date to view the sermon text. Hover over the scripture reference to view the passage.
01/14/1973 | The God Who Isn’t Hiding | Matthew 27:33-54
01/21/1973 | The Unrecognized Companion | Luke 24:13-35
02/04/1973 | Convinced or Converted | John 3:1-21
02/11/1973 | Learning to Live With Yourself | 1 Timothy 1:12-17
02/18/1973 | Learning to Live With God | Luke 15:11-24
02/25/1973 | Learning to Live With Others | John 8:1-11
03/04/1973 | Learning to Live With the Years | Ecclesiastes 12:1-8
03/11/1973 | Learning to Live With Death | Romans 8:28-39
03/18/1973 | Pilate’s Big Problem | Matthew 27:11-26
03/25/1973 | Bound and Determined | Acts 21:7-15
04/01/1973 | The Outstretched Hand | Matthew 14:22-33
04/08/1973 | Some Marks to Live By | Genesis 4:8-16
04/22/1973 | Who Moved the Stone? | 1 Corinthians 15:1-26
04/29/1973 | Men With Burning Hearts | Luke 24:13-32
05/06/1973 | How to Help a Person Find Christ | Romans 1:8-17
05/13/1973 | What’s Going On At Your House? |Joshua 24:1-15
06/03/1973 | Advantages of An Absent God | John 16:1-16
06/17/1973 | New Winds Are Blowing
07/22/1973 | When Amount Doesn’t Count | Judges 7:1-8
07/29/1973 | Why Believe in Jesus | John 10:22-42
08/05/1973 | No Silent Saints | Luke 24:36-47
08/12/1973 | How To Get Rid of Leprosy | Luke 17:11-19
08/19/1973 | The Son Who Was a Fake | Luke 15:11-32
08/26/1973 | Model for a Copy Cat | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
09/02 1973 | The Giver God Loves | 2 Corinthians 9:1-3
09/09/1973 | Holy Smoke of a Church on Fire | Acts 3:1-10
09/16/1973 | If God Locks the Pearly Gate – And You’re Too Late | Matthew 25:1-13
09/23/1973 | How to Be Happy In Spite of Yourself | John 16:16-33
09/30/1973 | How to Spot a Christian | Acts 4:13-22
11/18/1973 | The Solution to Spiritual Pollution | Philippians 4:1-9
11/25/1973 | Something to Give the Kids | 2 Timothy 1:1-7
12/02/1973 | Thermostats and Thermometers | Matthew 21:1-10
12/09/1973 | Stop the Star – I’m Not Ready | John 3:12-21
12/16/1973 | Stop the Shepherds – I’m Not Ready | Matthew 1:18-25